Complesso Ecotekne,
via per Monteroni, Lecce
Edificio "Stecca"
Tel.: 0832 297375
Tel.: 0832 297375
Benedetto Bozzini
Professore Ordinario
Complesso Ecotekne, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, via per Monteroni, Lecce
0832 297344 -
Claudio Mele
Professore Associato
Complesso Ecotekne Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, via per Monteroni, Lecce
0832 297621
Spettrometro FT-IR per misure elettrochimiche in situ comprensivo di sistema Balston per la generazione di aria secca e priva di CO2
Spettrometro Raman per misure elettrochimiche in situ
Spettrometro VIS-UV per misure elettrochimiche in situ di Elettroriflettanza spettrale
Spettroellissometro VIS-UV per misure elettrochimiche in situ
Spettrometro SHG per misure elettrochimiche in situ di Generazione di Seconda Armonica Ottica con misura di fase
Sistema Scanning Probe di caratterizzazione delle superfici costituito da microscopio a scansione di sonda (SPM) comprendente microscopio a forza atomica (AFM) e microscopio elettrochimico a scansione a effetto tunnel (ECSTM)
L'attività di ricerca del gruppo di Elettrochimica Applicata e dei laboratori di Elettrochimica Applicata e Spettroelettrochimica è inquadrabile nell'ambito dell'elettrochimica dei metalli.
Dal punto di vista dei contenuti, l’attività di ricerca si è rivolta alla preparazione elettrochimica ed alla caratterizzazione cinetica, strutturale, composizionale, ottica, meccanica e corrosionistica di leghe, ossidi e compositi particolati elettrodeposti. Sono stati particolarmente approfonditi i seguenti sistemi: (a) materiali metallici per energetica elettrochimica: (a.1) celle a combustibile (PEMFC, SOFC e MCFC), (a.2) supercapacitori; (b) materiali metallici per sistemi energetici; (c) materiali metallici per i trasporti, (d) elettrodeposizione di metallici per l’elettronica.
Dal punto di vista metodologico, la ricerca si è svolta come studio critico e sistematico delle correlazioni esistenti fra cinetica elettrochimica, processi di elettrocristallizzazione, struttura e proprieta chimico‑fisiche - segnatamente superficiali - di film sottili.
Dal punto di vista dell’impatto scientifico, la attività ha dato luogo a collaborazioni sistematiche con due grandi facility di ricerca internazionali (Laser a Elettroni Liberi CLIO dell’Université Paris XI, Orsay e Sinctrotrone ELETTRA Trieste) che ha portato allo sviluppo di strumentazione e metodiche originali.
Dal punto di vista dell’impatto industriale e sul territorio è stata svolta una consistente e continuativa attività di supporto alle aziende in Regione Puglia, ma anche in Basilicata, Lombardia e Piemonte.
L'enfasi metodologica è stata posta nello sviluppo di tecniche che impiegano processi di interazione radiazione-materia per lo studio delle interfacce di elettrodeposizione, di corrosione e funzionali in dispositivi per l’energetica elettrochimica. Queste metodiche hanno permesso la comprensione a livello molecolare di diversi sistemi che tipicamente sono studiati con un approccio empirico o macroscopico. Sono stati messi a punto, nel laboratorio di Lecce e presso i laboratori di Orsay e Trieste citati sopra ed applicati metodi spettroelettrochimici in situ (lineari, non-lineari e basati su acceletratori di elettroni e sincrotrone): (a) spettroscopie vibrazionali lineari (Lecce: SERS, FT-IR), (b) spettroscopia ottica lineare (Lecce: ERS), (c) spettroscopie ottiche non-lineari (Lecce: SHG, Orsay: SFG, SFG-2D, riflettività transiente ultraveloce (Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica), (d) spettromicroscopie di raggi X molli basate su sincrotrone (Trieste: STXM, XAS, SPEM). Per una comprensione adeguata dei metodi sperimentali messi a punto, sono stati sviluppati approcci teorici per la trattazione dell'accoppiamento della dinamica morfologica e chimica all'interfaccia di elettrodeposizione. Sono stati proposti approcci teorici alle problematiche di modellizzazione della tecnica di spettrometria di impedenza elettrochimica.
L'attività di ricerca è rivolta a tematiche di scienza dei materiali elettrochimica come (1) elettrodeposizione di metalli, leghe e compositi; (2) corrosione; (3) batterie celle a combustibile e allo sviluppo di strumentazione e metodiche per studi spettroelettrochimici ottici in situ.
Benedetto Bozzini (Professore Ordinario)
Claudio Mele (Professore Associato)
Sincrotrone ELETTRA, Trieste Universite’ Paris XI, Orsay
BT: beamtime; CLIO: laser ad elettroni liberi CLIO, Universite’ Paris XI, Orsay; CN: coordinatore nazionale; CS: coordinatore scientifico; EM: equivalente monetario; EM@E: beamline ESCAmicroscopy di Sincrotrone ELETTRA, Trieste; EU-LFUSS schema EU di finanziamento utenti grandi attrezzature; IP: partner industriale; MUdR: membro di UdR; OPO: oscillatore parametrico ottico, Universite’ Paris XI, Orsay (n.b. lo schema di finanziamento per OPO è stato interrotto dal 2007); RST: responsabile scientifico di task; RUdR: responsabile di UdR; TM@E: beamline TwinMic di Sincrotrone ELETTRA, Trieste; UdR: unita’ di ricerca; UL/US: Universita’ di Lecce / del Salento.
N.b. I titoli del progetti ESCAmicroscopy e TwinMic sono riportati alla fine dell’elenco cronologico dei progetti approvati.
1999.01) Finanziamento MURST per la costituzione di Laboratori Didattici
1999.02) PRIN 1999 - Valutazione delle tensioni residue e del danneggiamento in compositi a marice di alluminio sottoposti a formatura confrontando misurazioni sperimentali e simulazione fem
2000.01) POR 2000-7, CS. Rivestimenti tribologici elettrodeposti (IP: SMEI s.p.a. - Lecce)
2000.02) POR 2000-7, CS. Elettrodeposizione per la preparazione di materiale per alligazione laser (IP: CTM s.r.l. Lecce)
2000.03) Dotazione INFM Sezione Metalli, Superconduttori e Magnetismo
2000.04) PRIN 2000, RUdR-UL. Studi elettrochimici e tribologici di leghe di oro bianco prive di Ni e Cd (Coord. Pietro Luigi Cavallotti)
2001.01) POR 2000-7, RST. Studio dei problemi corrosionistici di acciaio al carbonio accoppiato con compositi polimerici rinforzati con fibre di carbonio (CS: CETMA – Mesagne (BR))
2001.02) Dotazione INFM Sezione Metalli, Superconduttori e Magnetismo
2001.03) EU-CRAFT (FP5), RUdR-UL. "NEWALLOY" per l'elettrodeposizione di leghe contenenti Mn (CS: DERA - Farnborough (GB))
2002.01) Studio del comportamento anodico di metallo duro tipo WC-Co (F.I.L.M. s.r.l. Megolo (VB))
2002.02) Dotazione INFM Sezione Metalli, Superconduttori e Magnetismo
2002.03) PON 2000-7, RST. TEPLAN (CETMA az. n. 99-39 Progettazione e costruzione prototipo di termodistruttore a plasma) 2002-2004 (CS: CETMA - Mesagne (BR))
2002.04) PRIN 2002, RUdR-UL. - Chimica Fisica delle Superfici di ori di interesse archeologico (CN: Pietro Luigi Cavallotti)
2002.05) EU-LFUSS OPO, CS. Elettrodeposizione di Au. 4 run
2003.01) EU-FP5, RUdR-UL. 5th Framework Program UE su materiali nanocristallini antiusura (progetto HIDUR: CS: Leeds Universiy (GB)))
2003.02) Contratto con Provincia di Lecce - Settore Territorio e Ambiente per valutazione Soc. Copersalento
2003.03) PON 2000-7, CS. Fosfatazione senza nitriti e nichel di acciaio zincato: 90.000 euro Fosfatazione priva di nichel e nitriti di acciaio zincato (CN: Stafano Natali, Rome-1 University, IP: LUBRITALIA Palagiano (TA))
2003.04) EU-LFUSS OPO, CS. Coadsorbimento su Au.
2004.01) Contratto MAPEI per misure FTIR su corrosione di acciaio per rinforzo di calcestruzzo in presenza di additivi per cemento
2004.02) Contratto SEA Marconi progetto HALOCLEAN (recupero elettrochimico valori metallici da pirolizzato da rottami WEEE) 2004-2005
2004.03) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Adsorbimento di BDMPAC con CN¯ su Au e leghe. 8 run 2004.04) EU-LFUSS OPO, CS. Coadsorbimento di CN¯ con organici su Au e Cu. 8 run
2005.01) PRIN 2005, RUdR-UL. Studi chimico-fisici di superficie pertinenti a strati per la registrazione magnetica perpendicolare ottenuti per deposizione elettrolitica (CN: Pietro Cavallotti, Politecnico di Milano)
2005.02) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Adsorbimento di Ar su Au, Cu e Au-Cu. 8 run
2005.03) EU-LFUSS OPO, CS. Coadsorbimento di Mx(CN)y¯ con organici. 8 run
2006.01) PON 2000-7, RST. SIDART Sistema Integrato per la Diagnostica dei beni Artistici. (CS: Lucio Calcagnile, Università di Lecce): 85.000 euro
2006.02) Programma CRUI-DAAD "VIGONI", RUdR-UL. Scambio di ricercatori tra le Università italiane e tedesche (Università di Lecce, Technische Universitaet Dresden) 2006-2007: 16.000 euro
2006.03) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. CLIO-SFG di elettrodeposizione di Cu con livellanti. 4 run (EM 7.700 euro)
2006.04) EU-LFUSS OPO, CS. OPO-SFG di elettrodeposizione di Cu con livellanti 4 run (EM 4.280 euro)
2006.05) EU-LFUSS TM@E 2006217, CS. 15 shift (EM 40.000 euro)
2006.06) EU-LFUSS EM@E 2006837, CS. 15 shift (EM 40.000 euro)
2007.01) POR 2007-13, CS. RECARCO Tecniche elettrochimiche per il recupero di rottame di metallo duro (IP: E.M.E.S. srl – Lecce)
2007.02) POR 2007-13, CS. RECIST Tecniche elettrochimiche per il recupero di metalli da scarti elettronici automobilistico (IP: EURO 2000 – Magagnino Ornella srl – San Donato di Lecce (LE))
2007.03) PON 2007-13, RUdR-US. RINNOVA: coating nanostrutturati innovatovi
2007.04) Contratto 3D s.r.l. Ruvo di Puglia (BA) per studio di elettrodeposizione di Ni per incorporazione di diamante in frese
2007.05) Finanziamento Provincia BR per laboratorio didattico di celle a combustibile c/o Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale 2007
2007.06) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. CLIO-SFG di CTDB su Cu. 4 run
2007.07) EU-LFUSS OPO, CS. OPO-SFG di CTDB su Cu. 4 run
2007.08) EU-LFUSS TM@E 2007616, CS. 18 shift
2007.09) EU-LFUSS EM@E 2007657, CS. 18 shift
2008.01) PRIN 2008, RUdR-US. Studi elettrochimici e spettroelettrochimici della corrosione e dell'elettrodeposizione di leghe magnetostrittive terra rara - metallo di transizione
2008.02) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Elettrocatalisi di EtOH su Pt-NP. 4 run 2008.03) EU-LFUSS TM@E 2008262, CS. 18 shift
2008.04) EU-LFUSS TM@E 20085102, CS. 18 shift
2009.01) "Studio delle applicazioni della scienza dei materiali e delle nanotecnologie al settore energetico", in collaborazione con ENEL DIVISIONE RICERCA S.p.A. (Giugno 2009-Novembre 2009)
2009.02) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Adsorption di CN¯ da RTIL su elettrodi Au, Cu, Ag e Pt(111). 4 run
2009.03) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20095020, CS. 24 shift
2009.04) EU-LFUSS TM@E 20095021, Progetto di lungo periodo, CS. 18x4 shift
2010.01) Programma Quadro 2010-2012 "Ricerca Scientifica/Reti di Laboratori Pubblici e di Ricerca", RUdR-US. GREEN ENGINE, Tecnologie per la propulsione sostenibile
2010.02) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Elettrodeposizione di Au da RTIL contenenti Au(I) e Au(III). 4 run
2010.03) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20100222, CS. 24 shift
2010.04) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20105433, CS. 24 shift
2011.01) PON 2007-13 Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Competitività, RST. SMATI: Sviluppo Materiali Avanzati e Tecnologie Innovative per turbo macchine per impiego in condizioni estreme.
2011.02) PON 2007-13 Potenziamento strutture e dotazioni scientifiche e tecnologiche, RUdR-US. CSEEM
2011.03) Finanziamento Provincia BR per Laboratorio Didattico Stress Corrosion Cracking presso Facoltà Ingegneria Industriale
2011.04) Consulenza per progetto ex art. 3.1. DM 13/3/2009 "Eliminazione/sostituzione del Cromo esavalente (art. 57 regolamento CE 1907/2006) nelle applicazioni di cromatuta a spessore" Sec. Tecnologie Galvaniche S.r.L. Potenza
2011.05) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Elettrodeposizione di Au da cloruro di colina/urea contenente Au(I) e Au(III). 4 run
2011.06) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20110226, CS. 24 shift
2011.07) EU-LFUSS TM@E 20115045, CS. 18 shift
2011.08) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20115155, CS. 24 shift
2012.01) Progetto ex art. 3.1 DM 13/3/2009, RUdR-US. Eliminazione/sostituzione del Cromo esavalente nelle applicazioni di elettrodeposizione di cromatura a spessore (IP: Tecnologie Galvaniche S.r.L. (PZ)).
2012.02) Fondo Speciale Rotativo per l'Innovazione Tecnologica, RST. Processi Galvanici Innovativi a Basso Impatto Ambientale. (CS: Antonio Del Prete, IP: Cosmos Accessori Metallici S.r.l., Ruffano (LE)).
2012.03) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Adsorbimento di esaltatori ed inibitori di corrosione su acciaio inox. 4 run
2012.04) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20120094, CS. 24 shift
2012.05) EU-LFUSS TM@E 20120107, CS. 24 shift
2012.06) EU-LFUSS TM@E 20125211, Progetto di lungo periodo, CS. 24x4 shift
2012.07) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20125228, CS. 24 shift
2013.01) EU-LFUSS CLIO, CS. Adsorbimento di esaltatori ed inibitori di corrosione su gradi di metallo duro. 4 run
2013.02) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20130310, CS. 24 shift
2013.03) EU-LFUSS EM@E 20135249, CS. 24 shift
2013.04) EU-LFUSS Tomolab at Elettra. Tomografia RX di monete antiche corrose dal tesoretto di Saturo (TA). 8 shift
2013.05) Erasmus Teachung Staff Mobility Bilateral Agreement between Technische Universität Ilmenau (D) and Università del Salento approved for biennium 2013-2014.
2014.01) EU-CALIPSO 2013_2_130542 CS. ISIS beamline, BESSY-II synchrotron Berlin (D). “A high-pressure in situ XPS and NEXAFS study of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells in operando conditions, 10-16/02/2014”
2014.02) Beamtime AS141/SXR/7511 Australian Synchrotron (Melbourne) “Ex-situ and in-situ soft X-ray microspectroscopy of electrodeposited metalpolypyrrole nanocomposite oxygen electrocatalysts for Pt replacement” 29 Apr - 4 May 2014
2014.03) COST action “e-MINDS (oc-2014-1-18648)” shortlisted to final approval step (Committee of Senior Officials, 13-14 November 2014)
(CLIO-2004) "CLIO-SFG/DFG study of the adsorption of benzyldimethylphenylammonium chloride and other aromatics in the absence and in the presence of CN¯ on gold and gold-base alloy electrodes"
8 runs, 15/11/2004-27/11/2004.
(CLIO-2005) "SFG/DFG study of the adsorption of aromatic molecules on gold, copper and Au-Cu alloy electrodes in the absence and in the presence of electroactive metal complexes"
8 runs, 05/12/2005-17/12/2005.
(CLIO-2006) "CLIO-SFG study of Cu electrodeposition from acid sulphate solutions in the presence of levellers"
4 runs, 17/07/2006-22/07/2006.
(CLIO-2007) "CLIO Electrochemical SFG study of copper in contact with aqueous solutions containing 4-{2-[1-(2-cyanoethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-6-yl]diazenyl} benzonitrile (CTDB)"
4 runs, 21/01/2008-26/07/2008.
(CLIO-2008) "CLIO-SFG/DFG study of the stability of Pt and PtRu nanoparticles for ethanol fuel-cell catalysts"
4 runs, 23/02/2009-28/02/2009.
(CLIO-2009) "Dynamic SFG/DFG study of the adsorption of CN¯ from the room-temperature ionic liquid BMP-TFSI at Au(111), Cu(111), Ag(111) and Pt(111) electrodes"
4 runs, 22/02/2010-27/02/2010.
(CLIO-2010) "SFG investigation of Au electrodeposition from the room-temperature ionic liquid BMP-TFSA, containing Au(I) and Au(III) cyanocomplexes"
4 runs, 27/02/2011-05/03/2011
(CLIO-2011) "SFG investigation of Au electrodeposition from a deep eutectic solvent based on choline chloride and urea, containing Au(I) and Au(III) cyanocomplexes"
4 runs, 13/02/2012-18/02/2012
(CLIO-2012) "In situ electrochemical SFG study of the adsorption on stainless steel grades of corrosion-enhancing and -inhibiting species for petrochemical applications"
4 runs, 18/02/2013-23/02/2013
(CLIO-2013) " In situ electrochemical SFG study of the adsorption on WC/Co, WC/Ni and WC/Co-Ni hardmetal grades of corrosion-enhancing and -inhibiting species for petrochemical applications.
4 runs.
(OPO-2002) "SFG study of the electrodeposition of gold"
4 runs, December 16-20, 2002.
(OPO-2003) "SFG/DFG study of the coadsorption of CN¯ and aromatics on gold electrodes"
8 runs, 01/12/2003-13/12/2003.
(OPO-2004) "OPO/SFG-DFG study of the coadsorption of CN¯ and aromatics from KCN and metal cyanocomplexes with organic cations and polymers containing aromatic groups on gold, copper and alloy electrodes"
8 runs, 06/12/2004-18/12/2004.
(OPO-2005) "OPO/SFG-DFG study of the coadsorption of CN¯ from KCN and metal cyanocomplexes with organic cations and polymers containing aromatic groups on gold, copper and alloy electrodes"
8 runs, 14/11/2005-26/11/2005.
(OPO-2006) "OPO-SFG study of Cu electrodeposition from acid sulphate solutions in the presence of levellers"
4 runs, 11/12/2006-16/12/2006.
(OPO-2007) "OPO Electrochemical SFG/DFG study of copper in contact with aqueous solutions containing 4-{2-[1-(2-cyanoethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-6-yl]diazenyl} benzonitrile (CTDB)"
4 runs, 28/01/2008-02/02/2008.
1) 2006217 Elettra Water-Window spectromicroscopic investigation of Ag corrosion in aqueous chloride solutions TWINMIC Sem-23. 15 shift
2) 2006837 Elettra Identification of corrosion products on WC-Co type hardmetal by Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-24. 15 shift
3) 2007616 Elettra An investigation into electrochemical degradation processes of fuel-cell bipolar-plate materials by in-situ by soft-X-ray spectromicroscopy TWINMIC Sem-26. 18 shift
4) 2007657 Elettra An investigation into the corrosion of metallic PEMFC bipolar plates based on ESCA microscopy ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-26. 18 shift
5) 2008262 Elettra A Soft-X-Ray Spectromicroscopic Investigation of the Interaction of Bipolar-Plate Corrosion and Membrane Degradation in a Wet-Cell simulating PEMFC Operating Conditions TWINMIC Sem-27. 18 shift
6) 20085102 Elettra An in situ Electrochemical Study by Soft-X-Ray Spectromicroscopy of Nanometric Pt-Catalyst Degradation induced by the Corrosion of Bipolar Plates in a Wet-Cell simulating Fuel Cell Operating Conditions TWINMIC Sem-28. 18 shift
7) 20095020 Elettra Investigation of nanostructural aspects of the durability of fuel cell components, based at the combination of SPEM and in situ electrochemistry. ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-30. 24 shuft
8) 20095021 Elettra A in situ Electrochemical Study by Soft-X-Ray Spectromicroscopy of Nanotechnological Issues of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells TWINMIC Sem-30. Long-term project. 18x4 shift
9) 20100222 Elettra SPEM analysis of of a Late Bronze-Age Artefact affected by Bronze Disease before and after electrochemical chloride extraction in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (EMI-TFSI) ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-31. 24 shift
10) 20105433 Elettra Quasi-environmental SPEM-based investigation of the material stability of interconnects of a nano-solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) during in situ cathodic operation ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-32. 24 shift
11) 20110226 Elettra In situ electrochemical SPEM and XPS investigation of solid-oxide fuel-cell (SOFC) catalyst/interconnect material combinations in anodic and cathodic gas environments. ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-33. 24 shift
12) 20115045 Elettra An in situ study by soft-X-ray spectromicroscopy of the electrochemical fabrication of nanoporous gold decorated with manganese oxide nanowires from eutectic urea/choline chloride ionic liquid TWINMIC Sem-34. 18 shift
13) 20115155 Elettra In situ SPEM investigation of a single-chamber SOFC running on a CH4/O2 mixture during electrochemical operation ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-34. 24 shift
14) 20120094 Elettra In situ SPEM investigation of a single-chamber SOFC running on a hydrocarbon/air mixtures with high-pressure pulsing, during electrochemical operation ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-35. 24 shift
15) 20120107 Elettra An in situ study by soft-X-ray microspectroscopy of the electrodeposition of manganese oxide nanowires from eutectic urea/choline chloride ionic liquid TWINMIC Sem-35. 24 shift
16) 20125211 Elettra In situ STXM investigation of a solid-state PE fuel-cell based on an anhydrous proton conducting electrolyte. TWINMIC Sem-36 Long-term project 24x4 shift
17) 20125228 Elettra In situ investigation of low- and intermediate-temperature solid-state fuel-cells based on proton conducting electrolytes. ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-36. 24 shift
18) 20130310 Elettra In situ investigation of thin-film solid-state electrochemical supercapacitors ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-37 Scheduled. 24 shift
19) 20135249 Elettra In situ electrochemical investigation of CO2 and H2O splitting in Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) ESCAMICROSCOPY Sem-38 Scheduled. 24 shift
[2018.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Andrea Goldoni.
“Will in situ synchrotron-based approaches beat the durability issues of next-generation batteries?”
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (2018) 050201 (8 pages)
[2018.02] George Kourousias, Benedetto Bozzini, Michael W. M. Jones, Grant A. Van Riessen, Simone Dal Zilio, Fulvio Billé, Maya Kiskinova, Alessandra Gianoncelli.
“Monitoring dynamic electrochemical processes with in-situ ptychography”
Applied Nanoscience (2018)
[2017.01] Maria Chiara D’Autilia, Ivonne Sgura, Benedetto Bozzini.
“Parameter Identification in ODE models with oscillatory dynamics: a Fourier regularization approach”.
Inverse Problems 33 (2017) 124009 (23 pages)
[2017.02] B. Bozzini, G. Kourousias, D. E. Bedolla, A. Gianoncelli.
“Chemical-state evolution of Ni in Mn-Ni/polypyrrole nanocomposites under bifunctional air electrode conditions, investigated by quasi-in situ multi-scale soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy”
Materials Today Energy 6 (2017) 154-163.
[2017.03] Carolina Ramirez, Benedetto Bozzini and Jorge Calderon.
“In situ SERS and ERS assessment of the effect of triethanolamine on zinc
electrodeposition on a gold electrode”
Electrochimica Acta 248 (2017) 270-280.
[2017.04] Deborah Lacitignola, Benedetto Bozzini, Ralf Peipmann, Ivonne Sgura.
“Cross-diffusion effects on a morphochemical model for electrodeposition”
Applied Mathematical Modelling 57 (2018) 492-513.
[2017.05] Claudio Mele, Angelo Bilotta, Patrizia Bocchetta and Benedetto Bozzini.
“Characterization of the particulate anode of a laboratory flow Zn-air fuel cell”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 47 (2017) 877-888.
[2017.06] Ivonne Sgura and Benedetto Bozzini.
“XRF map identification problems based on a PDE electrodeposition model”
Journal of Physics D 50 (2017) 154002 (21 pp)
[2017.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Patrizia Bocchetta, George Kourousias, Alessandra Gianoncelli.
“Electrodeposition of Mn-Co/polypyrrole nanocomposites: an electrochemical and
in situ soft-X ray microspectroscopic investigation”
Polymers 9 (2017) 17 (22 pp.) (Invited paper).
[2017.08] Benedetto Bozzini, George Kourousias, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Michael Jones, Grant Van Riessen and Maya Kiskinova.
“Soft X-ray ptychography as a tool for in operando morphochemical studies of electrodeposition processes with nanometric lateral resolution”
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 220 (2017) 147-155. (Invited paper)
[2017.09] Benedetto Bozzini, George Kourousias and Alessandra Gianoncelli.
“In situ observation of dynamic electrodeposition processes by soft X-ray fluorescence microspectroscopy and keyhole coherent diffractive imaging”
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 50 (2017) 124001 (8 pp.)
Special issue on: “Synchrotron- and FEL-based X-ray Methods for Battery Studies”
[2017.10] Claudio Mele and Benedetto Bozzini.
"A simple and safe method to implement corrosion experiments with 1 bar of H2S"
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology 52 (2017) 325-331.
[2017.11] Deborah Lacitignola, Benedetto Bozzini, Massimo Frittelli, Ivonne Sgura.
“Turing pattern formation on the sphere for a morphochemical reaction-diffusion model for electrodeposition”
Communication in Non Linear Science and Numerical Simulation 48 (2017) 484–508.
[2017.12] Claudio Mele, Marco V. Boniardi, Andrea Casaroli, Mattia Degli Esposti,
Domenico Di Pietro, Paolo Guastamacchia and Benedetto Bozzini.
“A comprehensive assessment of the performance of corrosion resistant alloys in hot acidic brines for application in oil and gas production”
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology 52 (2017) 99-113.
[2017.13] Benedetto Bozzini, Belén Alemán, Matteo Amati, Marco Boniardi, Vincenzo Caramia, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Luca Gregoratti, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh
“Novel insight into bronze disease gained by synchrotron-based photoelectron spectromicroscopy,
in support of electrochemical treatment strategies”
Studies in Conservation, 62 (2017) 465-473.
DOI: 10.1080/00393630.2016.1235339
[2016.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Christophe Humbert, Claudio Mele and Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
“Electrochemical fabrication of nanoporous gold decorated with manganese oxide nanowires from eutectic urea/choline chloride ionic liquid. Part III – Electrodeposition of Au–Mn: a study based on in situ Sum-Frequency Generation and Raman spectroscopies”
Electrochimica Acta 218 (2016) 208–215.
[2016.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Claudio Mele, Axel Knop-Gericke and Erik Vesselli.
“An in situ near-ambient pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy study of CO2 reduction at Cu in a SOE cell”
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 799 (2017) 17-25.
[2016.03] Patrizia Bocchetta, Matteo Amati, Mattia Fanetti, Andrea Goldoni, Luca Gregoratti, Maya Kiskionova, Hikmet Sezen and Benedetto Bozzini.
“ORR stability of Mn-Co/polypyrrole nanocomposite electrocatalysts studied by quasi in-situ identical-location photoelectron microspectroscopy"
Electrochemistry Communications 69 (2016) 50-54.
[2016.04] M. Amati, B. Aleman, B. Bozzini, L. Gregoratti, H. Sezen, M. Kiskinova.
“Characterization of catalytic materials with scanning photoelectron microscopy: Present and future”
Surface Science 652 (2016) 20-25.
[2016.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Christophe Humbert, Claudio Mele, Sandra Tedeschi and Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
“Corrosion of cemented carbide grades in petrochemical slurries. Part I - Electrochemical adsorption of CN¯, SCN¯ and MBT: A study based on in situ SFG”
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 60 (2016) 37-51.
[2016.06] George Kourousias, Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Michael W. M. Jones, Mark Junker, Grant van Riessen, Maya Kiskinova.
“Shedding light on electrodeposition dynamics tracked in situ via soft X-ray coherent diffraction imaging”
Nano Research (Springer) 9 (2016) 2046-2056. Selected for Elettra Top Stories
[2015.01] B. Bozzini, G. Gambino, D. Lacitignola, S. Lupo, M. Sammartino, I. Sgura.
“Weakly nonlinear analysis of Turing patterns in a morphochemical model for metal growth”
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 70 (2015) 1948-1969.
[2015.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Patrizia Bocchetta, Belén Alemán, Matteo Amati, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Luca Gregoratti, Hikmet Sezen, Antonietta Taurino and Maya Kiskinova.
“Electrodeposition and pyrolysis of Mn/polypyrrole nanocomposites: a study based on soft X ray absorption, fluorescence and photoelectron microspectroscopies”
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 19155–19167. Selected for Elettra Top Stories and Elettra Highlights
[2015.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Patrizia Bocchetta, Alessandra Gianoncelli,Claudio Mele and Maya Kiskinova.
“Electrodeposition and ageing of Mn-based binary composite ORR electrocatalysts: a study based on micro-X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence mapping”
ChemElectroChem 2 (2015) 1541-1550. (Invited paper)
[2015.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Patrizia Bocchetta, and Alessandra Gianoncelli.
“Coelectrodeposition of ternary Mn-oxide/polypyrrole composites for ORR electrocatalysts: a study based on micro-X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence mapping” (Invited paper)
Energies 8 (2015) 8145-8164. (Invited paper)
[2015.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Patrizia Bocchetta, Alessandra Gianoncelli, George Kourousias and Maya Kiskinova, Simone Dal Zilio.
“In situ soft X-ray fluorescence and absorption microspectroscopy: a study of Mn-Co/polypyrrole electrodeposition”
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (2015) 031102-1-6. (Invited paper)
[2015.06] Patrizia Bocchetta, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Maya Kiskinova, Hikmet Sezen, Antonietta Taurino and Benedetto Bozzini.
“Morphochemical evolution during ageing of pyrolized Mn/Polypyrrole nanocomposite oxygen reduction electrocatalysts”
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 758 (2015) 191-200.
[2015.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Deborah Lacitignola, Ivonne Sgura, Ivan Krastev and Tsvetina Dobrovolska.
“Intermetallics as key to spiral formation in In-Co electrodeposition. A study based on photoelectron microspectroscopy, mathematical modelling and numerical approximations”
Journal of Physics D, 48 (2015) 395502 (12 pp)
[2015.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Patrizia Bocchetta, Simone Dal Zilio, Axel Knop-Gericke, Erik Vesselli and Maya Kiskinova.
“An in situ near-ambient pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy study of Mn polarised anodically in a cell with solid oxide electrolyte”
Electrochimica Acta 174 (2015) 532-541.
[2015.09] Alessandra Gianoncelli, Ivonne Sgura, Patrizia Bocchetta, Deborah Lacitignola, Benedetto Bozzini.
High-lateral resolution X-ray fluorescence microspectroscopy and dynamic mathematical modelling as tools for the study of electrodeposited electrocatalysts
X-RAY Spectrometry 44 (2015) 263-275.
[2015.10] Claudio Mele and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Spectroelectrochemical investigation of the anodic and cathodic behaviour of zinc in 5.3 M KOH"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 45 (2015) 43-50.
[2015.11] Vincenzo Caramia and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Potential-dependent reactivity of adsorbed cyanide during the electrodeposition of silver from cyanocomplexes: a study based on in situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 93 (2015) 82-88.
[2015.12] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Altissimo, Matteo Amati, Patrizia Bocchetta, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Luca Gregoratti, George Kourousias, Lucia Mancini, Claudio Mele and Maya Kiskinova.
“In situ and ex situ X-ray Microspectroelectrochemical Methods for the Study of Zinc-air Batteries”
Methods for the Study of Zinc–Air Batteries. In: Reedijk, J. (Ed.) Elsevier Reference Module in
Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering. Waltham, MA: Elsevier. 18-Dec-15 doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.11452-0. (Invited paper)
[2014.01] Patrizia Bocchetta, Matteo Amati, Benedetto Bozzini*, Massimo Catalano, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Luca Gregoratti, Antonietta Taurino and Maya Kiskinova.
“Effect of ORR ageing on surface morphology and composition of Co/PPy nanocomposites: a quasi-in situ electrochemical study based on single-grain photoelectron microspectroscopy”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6 (2014) 19621-19629.
[2014.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Claudio Mele, Aldo Siciliano and Lucia Mancini.
"Electrochemical reconstruction of a heavily corroded Tarentum hemiobolus silver coin: a study based on microfocus X-ray computed microtomography"
Journal of Archaeological Science 52 (2014) 24-30.
[2014.03] Patrizia Bocchetta, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, Maya Kiskinova, David Jezeršek, Claudio Mele and Benedetto Bozzini.
" Electrosynthesis of Co/PPy nanocomposites for ORR electrocatalysis: a study based on quasi-in situ X-ray absorption, fluorescence and in situ Raman spectroscopy"
Electrochimica Acta 137 (2014) 535-545.
[2014.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Patrizia Bocchetta, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Claudio Mele and Maya Kiskinova.
“Electrodeposition of Co/CoO nanoparticles onto graphene for ORR electrocatalysis: a study based on micro-X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence mapping”
Acta Chimica Slovenica 61 (2014) 263-271.
[2014.05] Vincenzo Caramia and Benedetto Bozzini.
“Materials-science aspects of Zinc –air batteries: a review.”
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy 3 (2014) 28 (pages 1-12)
[2014.06] Deborah Lacitignola, Benedetto Bozzini and Ivonne Sgura.
"Spatio-temporal organization in a morphochemical electrodeposition model: Hopf and Turing instabilities and their interplay"
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 26 (2015) 143-173.
[2014.07] Deborah Lacitignola, Benedetto Bozzini and Ivonne Sgura.
"Spatio-temporal organization in a morphochemical electrodeposition model: analysis and numerical simulation of spiral waves"
Acta Applicandæ Mathematicæ132 (2014) 377-389.
[2014.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Patrizia Bocchetta, Simone Dal Zilio, George Kourousias.
"Fabrication of a sealed electrochemical microcell for in situ soft X-ray microspectroscopy and testing with in situ Co-polypyrrole composite electrodeposition for Pt-free oxygen electrocatalysis"
Analytical Chemistry 86 (2014) 664-670.
[2014.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Claudio Mele, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, David Jezeršek and Maya Kiskinova.
"Pulse-plating of Mn-Cu-ZnO for supercapacitors: a study based on soft X-ray fluorescence and absorption microspectroscopy"
ChemElectroChem 1 (2014) 1161–1172. Cover article.
[2014.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Claudio Mele, Ivonne Sgura and Maya Kiskinova.
“Electrodeposition of a Mn-Cu-ZnO hybrid material for supercapacitors: a study based on soft X-ray fluorescence and absorption microspectroscopy”
ChemElectroChem 1 (2014) 392-399.
[2014.11] Benedetto Bozzini, Amilcare Barca, Francesco Bogani, Paolo Carlino, Claudio Mele, Tiziano Verri and Alessandro Romano.
“Electrodeposition of nanostructured bioactive hydroxyapatite-heparin composite coatings on titanium for dental implant applications”
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 25 (2014) 1425-1434.
[2014.12] Hossein Hassannejad, Francesco Bogani, Marco Boniardi, Andrea Casaroli, Claudio Mele and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Electrodeposition and mechanical properties of DLC films on carbon steel"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 92 (2014) 183-188.
[2013.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Maya Kiskinova.
“In-situ Photoelectron Microspectroscopy and Imaging of Spontaneous Electrochemical Processes at the Electrodes of a Self-Driven Single Cell”
Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 2848 (5 pages) Elettra Top Story
[2013.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Claudio Mele and Maya Kiskinova.
“Electrochemical fabrication of nanoporous gold decorated with manganese oxide nanowires from eutectic urea/choline chloride ionic liquid. Part II - Electrodeposition of Au-Mn: a study based on soft X-ray microspectroscopy.”
Electrochimica Acta 114 (2013) 889-896. Selected for Elettra Highlights
[2013.03] Leonardo Sileo, Luigi Martiradonna, Paola Arcuti, Giuseppina Monti, Vittorianna Tasco, Marco Del Maschio, Giacomo Pruzzo, Benedetto Bozzini, Luciano Tarricone, Massimo De Vittorio.
"Wireless system for biological signal recording with Gallium Arsenide High Electron Mobility Transistors as sensing elements"
Microelectronic Engineering 111 (2013) 354–359.
[2013.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Deborah Lacitignola and Ivonne Sgura.
"Spatio-Temporal Organisation in Alloy Electrodeposition: a Morphochemical Mathematical Model and its Experimental Validation"
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 17 (2013) 467-479. (Invited paper)
[2013.05] Claudio Mele and Benedetto Bozzini.
“Electrodeposition of Au-Dy2O3 composite solid oxide fuel cell catalyst from eutectic urea/choline chloride ionic liquid.”
Energies 5 (2012) 5363-5371. (Invited paper)
[2013.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Claudio Mele, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, Mauro Prasciolu and Maya Kiskinova.
“In situ photoelectron microspectroscopy during the operation of a single-chamber SOFC”
Electrochemistry Communications 24 (2012) 104-107.
[2013.07] Claudio Mele, Massimo Catalano, Antonietta Taurino and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Electrochemical fabrication of NPG-supported manganese oxide nanowires based on
electrodeposition from eutectic urea/choline chloride ionic liquid"
Electrochimica Acta 87 (2013) 918-924.
[2013.8] Benedetto Bozzini, Francesco Bogani, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali, Gennaro Scarselli and Marco Boniardi.
"Corrosion of Stainless Steel Grades in Molten H2O/KOH 50% at 120°C: AISI304 Austenitic and 2205 Duplex"
Materials and Corrosion 64 (2013) 988–995.
[2013.9] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Burkhard Kaulich,Claudio Mele Mauro Prasciolu and Maya Kiskinova.
"In situ Soft X-ray Microscopy Study of Fe Interconnect Corrosion in Ionic Liquid-Based Nano-PEMFC Half-Cells"
Fuel Cells (Wiley) 13 (2013) 196-202.
[2012.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, Mauro Prasciolu, Alexander L.Trygub and Maya Kiskinova.
"Micro scale evolution of surface chemistry and morphology of the key components in operating hydrocarbon-fuelled SOFC"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 23188–23193.
[2012.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, Matteo Amati, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Luca Gregoratti, Burkhard Kaulich, Maya Kiskinova.
"Soft X-ray imaging and spectromicroscopy: new insights in chemical state and morphology of key components in operating fuel cells"
Chemistry - A European Journal. 18 (2012) 10196-10210.
[2012.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, Bertrand Busson, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Luca Gregoratti, Christophe Humbert, Matteo Amati, Claudio Mele, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"Spectroelectrochemical study of the electro-oxidation of ethanol on WC-supported Pt – Part III: Monitoring of electrodeposited-Pt catalyst aging by in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, in situ sum Frequency generation spectroscopy and ex situ photoelectron spectromicroscopy"
Journal of Power Sources 231 (2013) 6-17.
[2012.04] Hossein Hassannejad, Claudio Mele, Taghi Shahrabi and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Electrodeposition of Ni/ceria composites: an in situ visible reflectance investigation"
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 16 (2012) 3429-3441. (Invited paper)
[2012.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Audrey Gayral, Christophe Humbert, Claudio Mele, Catherine Six, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"In situ electrochemical SFG/DFG study of CN¯ and nitrile adsorption at Au from 1-butyl-1-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) amide ionic liquid ([BMP][TFSA]) containing 4-{2-[1-(2-cyanoethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-6-yl]diazenyl} benzonitrile (CTDB) and K[Au(CN)2]"
Molecules 17 (2012) 7722-7736. (Invited paper)
[2012.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Deborah Lacitignola, Claudio Mele, Ivonne Sgura.
"Coupling of Morphology and Chemistry leads to Morphogenesis in Electrochemical Metal Growth: a Review of the Reaction-Diffusion Approach"
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 122 (2012) 53-68.
[2012.07] Ivonne Sgura, Benedetto Bozzini, Deborah Lacitignola.
"Numerical approximation of Turing patterns in electrodeposition by ADI methods"
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (2012) 4132-4147.
[2012.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Burkhard Kaulich, Claudio Mele, Mauro Prasciolu and Maya Kiskinova.
"Electrodeposition of manganese oxide from eutectic urea/choline chloride ionic liquid: an in situ study based on soft X-ray spectromicroscopy and visible reflectivity."
Journal of Power Sources 211 (2012) 71-76.
[2012.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Silvia Barella, Francesco Bogani, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali, Gennaro Scarselli and Marco Boniardi.
"Corrosion of Stainless Steel Grades in Molten NaOH/KOH Eutectic at 250°C: AISI304 Austenitic and 2205 Duplex"
Materials and Corrosion 63 (2012) 967–978. Cover article.
[2012.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Majid Kazemian, Mauro Prasciolu, Elisabetta Tondo, Alexander L.Trygub and Maya Kiskinova.
"In situ electrochemical X-ray spectromicroscopy investigation of the reduction/reoxidation dynamics of Ni-Cu Solid Oxide Fuel Cell anodic material in contact with a Cr interconnect in 210-6 mbar O2"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 7243-7248.
[2012.11] G. Giovannelli, S. Natali, L. Zortea, B. Bozzini.
"An investigation into the surface layers formed on oxidised copper exposed to SO2 in humid air under hypoxic conditions"
Corrosion Science 57 (2012) 104-113.
[2012.12] Benedetto Bozzini, Elisabetta Tondo, Patrizio Raffa and Marco Boniardi.
"Electrodeposition of Y2O3-Au composite coatings for SOFC interconnects: in situ monitoring of film growth by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing. 90 (2012) 30-37.
[2012.13] Benedetto Bozzini, Deborah Lacitignola, Ivonne Sgura.
"Frequency as the greenest additive for metal plating: mathematical and experimental study of forcing voltage effects on electrochemical growth dynamics"
International Journal of Electrochemical Science - 6 (2011) 4553-4571.
[2011.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Elisabetta Tondo, Matteo Amati, Majid Kazemian, Luca Gregoratti and Maya Kiskinova.
"In-situ X-ray spectromicroscopy investigation of the material stability of SOFC metal interconnects in operating electrochemical cell."
ChemSusChem 4 (2011) 1099-1103. Selected for Elettra Highlights
[2011.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Burkhard Kaulich, Maya Kiskinova,
Claudio Mele, Mauro Prasciolu.
"Corrosion of Ni in 1-butyl-1-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) amide room-temperature ionic liquid: an in-situ X-ray imaging and spectromicroscopy study"
PhysChemChemPhys 13 (2011) 7968-7974.
[2011.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, Luca Gregoratti and Maya Kiskinova.
"An investigation into the initial stages of the electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI) at Pt(111), based on scanning photoelectron microscopy."
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 657 (2011) 113-116.
[2011.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Christophe Humbert, Claudio Mele, Patrizio Raffa, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"In situ SFG Investigation of Au electrodeposition from [BMP][TFSA], containing KAu(CN)2"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 661 (2011) 20-24.
[2011.05] V. Martina, M.F. De Riccardis, D. Carbone, P. Rotolo, B. Bozzini, C. Mele.
"Electrodeposition of polyaniline-carbon nanotube composite films for the corrosion protection of austenitic stainless steel PEMFC bipolar plates"
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13 (2011) 6035-6047.
[2011.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Burkhard Kaulich, Maya Kiskinova, Mauro Prasciolu.
" In-situ X-ray spectromicroscopy study of bipolar plate material stability for nano-fuel-cells with ionic-liquid electrolyte"
Microelectronic Engineering 88 (2011) 2456-2458.
[2011.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Amati, Marco Boniardi, Majid Kazemian Abyaneh, Luca Gregoratti and Maya Kiskinova.
"Study of a PEMFC catalyst subjected to anodic operating conditions, by synchrotron-based scanning photoelectron microscopy (SPEM) and high lateral-resolution XPS."
Journal of Power Sources, 196 (2011) 2513-2518.
[2011.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Paolo Carlino, Claudio Mele.
"Electrochemical behaviour and surface characterisation of Zr exposed to an SBF solution containing glycine, in view of dental implant applications"
Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Medicine 22 (2011) 193-200.
[2011.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Elisabetta Tondo, Andreas Bund, Adriana Ispas, Claudio Mele.
"Electrodeposition of Au from [EMIm][TFSA] room temperature ionic liquid: an electrochemical
and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy study"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry - 651 (2011) 1–11.
[2011.10] A. Gianoncelli, B. Kaulich, M. Kiskinova, M. Prasciolu, L. D.Urzo, B. Bozzini
"An In Situ Electrochemical Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy Investigation of Fe Galvanically Coupled to Au"
Micron 42 (2011) 342-347.
[2011.11] Benedetto Bozzini, Stefano Maci, Ivonne Sgura, Roberto Lo Presti, Elisabetta Simonetti.
"Numerical modelling of MCFC cathode degradation in terms of morphological variations"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 36 (2011) 10403-10413.
[2011.12] Adriana Ispas, Hisayoshi Matsushima, Andreas Bund, Benedetto Bozzini.
"A study of external magnetic field effects on nickel-iron alloy electrodeposition, based on linear and non-linear differential AC electrochemical response measurements"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 651 (2011) 197-203.
[2011.13] M.F. De Riccardis, V. Martina, D. Carbone, M. Re, E. Pesce, R. Terzi, B. Bozzini.
"Incorporation of montmorillonite in epoxy to obtain a protective layer prepared by electrophoretic deposition"
Materials Chemistry and Physics 125 (2011) 271-276.
[2011.14] Benedetto Bozzini, Marco Guerrieri, Flavio Capotondi, Ivonne Sgura, Elisabetta Tondo.
"Electrochemical preparation of particles for X-ray free electron laser based diffractive imaging"
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 6 (2011) 2609-2631.
[2010.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine
"In situ spectroelectrochemical measurements during the electro-oxidation of ethanol on WC-supported Pt-black. Part II - Monitoring of catalyst aging by in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy "
Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 7968-7973.
[2010.02] Claudio Mele, Benedetto Bozzini
"Localised corrosion processes of austenitic stainless steel PEMFC bipolar plates"
Journal of Power Sources. 195 (2010) 3590-3596.
[2010.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Burkhard Kaulich, Maya Kiskinova,
Mauro Prasciolu, Ivonne Sgura.
"Metallic Plate Corrosion and Uptake of Corrosion Products by Nafion in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells"
ChemSusChem, 7 (2010) 846-850. Selected for Elettra Highlights
[2010.04] Elisabetta Tondo, Marco Boniardi, Donato Cannoletta, Maria Federica De Riccardis and Benedetto Bozzini.
Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 4772-4778.
[2010.05] Antonio Serra, Daniela Manno, Emanuela Filippo, Rosa Vitale, Giuseppe Sarcinelli, Lucio Calcagnile, Gianluca Quarta, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Benedetto Bozzini, Also Siciliano.
"Unusual coin from the Parabita hoard: combined use of surface and micro-analytical techniques for its characterisation."
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 11 (2010) 233-238.
[2010.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Andreas Bund, Bertrand Busson, Christophe Humbert, Adriana Ispas, Claudio Mele, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"An SFG/DFG investigation of CN¯ adsorption at an Au electrode in 1-butyl-1-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) amide ([BMP][TFSA]) ionic liquid"
Electrochemistry Communications 12 (2010) 56-60.
[2010.07] Elisabetta Tondo, Claudio Mele and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Silver electrodeposition from water-acetonitrile mixed solvents.
Part III – An in situ investigation by optical second harmonic generation spectroscopy."
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 14 (2010) 989-995.
[2010.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Bertran Busson, Christophe Humbert, Catherine Six, Audray Gayral and Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"In situ SFG measurements during the electro-oxidation of ethanol on WC-supported Pt-black"
Journal of Power Sources, 195 (2010) 4119-4123.
[2010.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Deborah Lacitignola, Ivonne Sgura.
"Morphological Spatial Patterns in a Reaction Diffusion Model for Metal Growth"
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 7 (2010) 237-258.
[2010.10] Giuseppe Giovannelli, Lucia D'Urzo, Giovanna Maggiulli, Stefano Natali, Cosimo Pagliara, Ivonne Sgura and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Cathodic Chloride Extraction Treatment of a Late Bronze-Age Artefact affected by Bronze Disease in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl -3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide (EMI-TFSI)"
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 14 (2010) 479-494.
[2010.11] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Elisabetta Tondo
"A SERS investigation of Cu electrodeposition in the presence of the model leveller 4-{2-[1-(2-cyanoethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-6-yl]diazenyl} benzonitrile"
Electrochimica Acta 55 (2010) 3279-3285.
[2010.12] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele, Bertrand Busson and Abderrahmane Tadjedine.
"Au electrodeposition in presence of self-assembling organic: in situ study by sum frequency generation and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 88 (2010) 130-143.
[2009.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D’Urzo, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Burkhard Kaulich, Mauro Prasciolu, Ivonne Sgura, Elisabetta Tondo and Maya Kiskinova.
"An in situ synchrotron-based soft X-ray microscopy investigation of Ni electrodeposition in a thin-layer cell"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (2009) 9783-9787.
[2009.02] Elisabetta Tondo, Marco Boniardi, Donato Cannoletta, Marcella D'Elia, Lucia D'Urzo and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Electrodeposition of NiO/YSZ from hydroalcoholic solutions containing Chitosan"
Surface & Coatings Technology. 203 (2009) 3427-3434.
[2009.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Deborah Lacitignola, Ivonne Sgura.
"Travelling Waves in a Reaction-Diffusion Model for Electrodeposition"
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 81 (2011) 1027-1044.
[2009.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Giulio Cerullo, Lucia D'Urzo, Dario Polli.
"In situ femtosecond spectroelectrochemistry of Au(111) in an aqueous chloride solution"
Electrochemistry Communications. 11 (2009) 799-803.
[2009.05] M.F. De Riccardis, D. Carbone, V. Martina, M. Re, B. Bozzini, L. D'Urzo.
"Study on the adhesion mechanism of electrodeposited nickel clusters on carbon substrates"
Applied Surface Science. 255 (2009) 4309-4315.
[2009.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Matteo Dalmiglio, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Lucia D'Urzo, Luca Gregoratti.
"An investigation of the corrosion of WC–Co cermets in CN¯-containing aqueous solutions.
Part II - Synchrotron-based high lateral-resolution XPS study"
Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 1675–1678.
[2009.07] Adriana Ispas, Hisayoshi Matsushima, Andreas Bund and Benedetto Bozzini.
Nucleation and growth of thin nickel layers under the influence of a magnetic field.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 626 (2009) 174–182.
[2009.08] Claudio Mele, Benedetto Bozzini.
"Silver Electrodeposition from water-acetonitrile mixed solvents in the presence of tetrabutylammonium perchlorate. Part II - A SERS study of acetonitrile reactivity and tetrabutylammonium adsorption"
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 13 (2009) 1553-1559.
[2009.09] Benedetto Bozzini and Ivonne Sgura.
"A mathematical model for the corrosion of metallic bipolar plates in PEM fuel cells: numerical and experimental issues"
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 70 (2009) Vol. No.2, pp. 579-599.
[2009.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Deborah Lacitignola, Claudio Mele, Ivonne Sgura, Elisabetta Tondo.
"An investigation into the dynamics of Au electrodeposition based on the analysis of SERS spectral time series"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing. 87 (2009) 193-200.
[2009.11] Benedetto Bozzini, Silvia Maffi, Lucia D'Urzo and Luisa Peraldo Bicelli.
"Thermodynamics of the photocorrosion of n-ZnSe and p-ZnTe"
Corrosion Reviews 27 (2009) 83-115.
[2009.12] Lucia D'Urzo, Benedetto Bozzini.
"Corrosion of electrodeposited copper by exposure to volatile organic compounds"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 20 (2009) 666-670.
[2009.12] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Marcello Della Pia, Kuan Chich Yu and Qin Qin Yu.
"A novel selective removal process of Cobalt Silicide"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 20 (2009) 1164–1171.
[2009.13] Claudio Mele, Sandra Rondinini, Lucia D'Urzo, Vincenzo Romanello, Elisabetta Tondo, Alessandro Minguzzi, Alberto Vertova and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Silver electrodeposition from water-acetonitrile mixed solvents and mixed electrolytes, in the presence of tetrabutylammonium perchlorate. Part I - Electrochemical nucleation on glassy carbon electrode."
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 13 (2009) 1577-1584.
[2009.14] Lucia D'Urzo, Benedetto Bozzini.
"A SERS study of the galvanostatic sequence used for the electrochemical deposition of copper from baths employed in the fabrication of interconnects"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 20 (2009) 217-222.
[2009.15] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo.
"An in-situ SERS studt of the interfacial behaviour of Coumarin during the electrodeposition of Cobalt"
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 4 (2009) 1028-1051.
[2008.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Burkhard Kaulich, Maya Kiskinova, Mauro Prasciolu, Adberrahmane Tadjeddine.
"In situ soft X-ray dynamic microscopy of electrochemical processes"
Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 1680-1683.
[2008.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Marilena Re, Federica De Riccardis.
"Electrodeposition of Cu from acidic sulphate solutions containing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 38 (2008) 1561-1569.
[2008.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Luca Gregoratti, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"Study of Surface Compositional Waves in Electrodeposited Au-Cu Alloys by Synchrotron-Based High Lateral-Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy"
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155 (2008) F165-F168.
[2008.04] Hisayoshi Matsushima, Adriana Ispas, Andreas Bund, Benedetto Bozzini.
"Magnetic field effects on the initial stages of electrodeposition processes"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 615 (2008) 191-196.
[2008.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele.
"Electrochemical fabrication of nano- and micrometric Cu particles: in situ investigation by electroreflectance and optical second harmonic generation"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 86 (2008) 267-274.
[2008.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Chang-Jian Lin.
"An in situ optical second harmonic generation study of carbon steel in contact with an alkaline aqueous solution containing glutamic acid"
Materials and Corrosion 59 (2008) 303-305.
[2008.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele and Vincenzo Romanello.
" A SERS Investigation of Cyanide Adsorption and Reactivity during the Electrodeposition of Gold, Silver, and Copper from Aqueous Cyanocomplex Solutions"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (2008) 6352-6358.
[2008.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Ivonne Sgura.
"A computational approach to morphological control in electrodeposition by molecular targeting"
Computational Materials Science 42 (2008) 394-406.
[2008.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Sheng-Juang Huo, Wen-Bin Cai.
"ATR FTIR study of levellers for Cu electrodeposition from acidic sulphate solution"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 86 (2008) 41-50.
[2008.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele, Bertrand Busson, Christophe Humbert and Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"Doubly Resonant Sum frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Adsorbates at an Electrochemical Interface"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (2008) 11791-11795.
[2008.11] Benedetto Bozzini, Paolo Carlino, Lucia D'Urzo, Valentina Pepe, Claudio Mele, Francesco Venturo.
"An electrochemical impedance investigation of the behaviour of anodically oxidised titanium in human plasma and cognate fluids, relevant to dental applications"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 19 (2008) 3443-3453.
[2008.12] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Claudio Mele, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"SFG and DFG investigation of Au(111), Au(210), polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes in contact with aqueous solutions containing KCN and 4-cyanopyridine"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 38 (2008) 897-906.
[2008.13] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Claudio Mele, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"An SFG and DFG investigation of Au(111), Au(100), Au(110) and Au(210) electrodes in contact with aqueous solutions containing KCN"
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 12 (2008) 303-313.
[2008.14] Benedetto Bozzini, Ivonne Sgura.
" A class of mathematical models for alternated-current electrochemical measurements accounting for non-linear effects"
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 9 (2008) 412-429.
Luisa Peraldo Bicelli, Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Lucia D'Urzo.
"A Review of Nanosctructural Aspects of Metal Electrodeposition"
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 3 (2008) 356-408.
[2007.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele.
"A novel polymeric leveller for the electrodeposition of copper from acidic sulphate bath: A spectroelectrochemical investigation"
Electrochimica Acta 52 (2007) 4767-4777.
[2007.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"An in situ SFG and SERS investigation into the electrodeposition of Au from Au(CN)2¯ and Au(CN)4¯ solutions"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 602 (2007) 61-69.
[2007.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"An SFG and ERS investigation of the corrosion of CoW0.013C0.001 alloys and WC-Co cermets in CN¯-containing aqueous solutions"
Corrosion Science 49 (2007) 2392-2405.
[2007.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Vincenzo Romanello.
"An in situ FT-IR evaluation of candidate organic corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in contact with alkaline aqueous solutions"
Materials and Corrosion 58 (2007) 362-368.
[2007.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Vincenzo Romanello, Claudio Mele.
"A SERS investigation of the electrodeposition of Au in a phosphate solution"
Surface & Coatings Technology 201 (2007) 6267-6272.
[2007.06] Benedetto Bozzini Sheelagh Anne Campbell and Lucia D'Urzo.
"Electrodeposition of Cu onto Pt in presence of egg ovalbumin"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 85 (2007) 123-134.
[2007.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Bertrand Busson, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Claudio Mele, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
"An SFG and DFG investigation of polycrystalline Au, Au–Cu and Au–Ag–Cu electrodes in contact with aqueous solutions containing KCN"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 427 (2007) 341-349.
[2007.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Claudio Mele.
" Electrochemical dynamics and structure of the Ag/AgCl interface in chloride-containing aqueous solutions"
Surface & Coatings Technology 201 (2007) 4619-4627.
[2006.01] Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali and Benedetto Bozzini.
"Silver coated lead coins: An appraisal of ancient technology"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 36 (2006) 951-956.
[2006.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele, Vincenzo Romanello.
" Electrodeposition of Cu from acidic sulphate solutions in the presence of polyethylene glycol and chloride ions"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 17 (2006) 915-923.
[2006.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Vincenzo Romanello, Claudio Mele and Francesco Bogani.
"A SERS investigation of carbon steel in contact with aqueous solutions containing BenzylDiMethylPhenylAmmonium Chloride"
Materials and Corrosion 58 (2007) 20-24.
[2006.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Vincenzo Romanello.
"Time-dependent in situ SERS study of CN− adsorbed on gold"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 592 (2006) 25-30.
[2006.05] Benedetto Bozzini and Ivonne Sgura.
"A non-linear AC spectrometry study of the electrodeposition of Cu from acidic sulphate solutions in the presence of PEG"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 36 (2006) 983-989.
[2006.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Lucia D'Urzo, Vincenzo Romanello and Giuseppe Giovannelli.
"Study on levellers for Cu electrodeposition from acidic sulphate solution: an in situ spectoelectrochemical approach"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 84 (2006) 177-187.
[2006.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Vincenzo Romanello, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi and Claudio Mele.
"Controlled corrosion of micrometri7c and submicrometric metal powders in fluidised bed reactor"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 84 (2006) 154-158.
[2006.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Lucia D'Urzo, Vincenzo Romanello.
"An Electrochemical and in situ SERS Study of Cu Electrodeposition from Acidic Sulphate Solutions in the Presence of 3-Diethylamino-7-(4-dimethylaminophenylazo)-5-phenylphenazinium chloride (Janus Green B)"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 36 (2006) 973-981.
[2006.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Claudio Mele and Vincenzo Romanello.
"Electrodeposition of Cu from acidic sulphate solutions in presence of Bis-(3-sulfopropyl)-disulphide (SPS)"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 84 (2006) 83-93.
[2006.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Vincenzo Romanello and Claudio Mele.
"Electrodeposition of Cu from Acidic Sulfate Solutions in the Presence of Bis-(3-sulfopropyl)-disulfide (SPS) and Chloride Ions"
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153 (2006) C254-C257.
[2006.11] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele and Lucia D'Urzo.
"Electrodeposition of Cu from Acidic Sulphate Solutions in the Presence of PEG - Part II Visible Electroreflectance Spectroscopy Measurements during Electrodeposition"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 36 (2006) 87-96.
[2006.12] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Claudio Mele, Francesca Brunella, Sara Goidanich and Pietro Pedeferri.
"An investigation into the corrosion of Ag coins from the Greek colonies of Southern Italy. Part I: An in situ FT-IR and ERS investigation of the behaviour of Ag in contact with aqueous solutions containing 4-cyanopyridine"
Corrosion Science 48 (2006) 193-208.
[2006.13] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Lucia D'Urzo, Giuseppe Giovannelli and Stefano Natali.
"Electrodeposition of Cu from Acidic Sulphate Solutions in the Presence of PEG: An Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Investigation – Part I"
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 36 (2006) 789-800.
[2005.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi and Claudio Mele.
"Corrosion Behaviour of CoW0.013C0.001 in aqueous acidic sulphate solutions containing soldium lauryl sulphate and sodium citrate"
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 40 (2005) 290-300.
[2005.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo and Claudio Mele.
"Electrodeposition of Cu from Cyanoalkaline Solutions in the Presence of CPC and PEG"
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152 (2005) C255-C264.
[2005.03] Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali, Benedetto Bozzini, Aldo Siciliano, Giuseppe Sarcinelli, Rosa Vitale.
Archaeometry 47 (2005) 817-833.
[2005.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Claudio Mele.
“Electrochemical behaviour of alloy CoW0.013C0.001 in acidic sulphate solutions.”
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 40 (2005) 149-157.
[2005.05] Ivonne Sgura, Benedetto Bozzini.
“Numerical issues related to the modelling of electrochemical impedance data by non-linear least-squares”
Interational Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 40 (2005) 557-570.
[2004.01] Valentin M. Kozlov, Benedetto Bozzini, Luisa Peraldo Bicelli.
"Formation of GaAs by annealing of two-layer Ga-As electrodeposits"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 379 (2004) 209-215.
[2004.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Adberrahmane Tadjeddine.
"Electrochemical adsorption of cyanide on Ag(111) in the presence of cetylpyridinium chloride"
Journal of Crystal Growth 271 (2004) 274-286.
[2004.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Lucia D'Urzo, Giuseppe Giovannelli and Claudio Mele.
" An in situ Raman Investigation of Organic Species Incorporated in Cu Layers Electrodeposited from PEG-containing Acidic Sulphate and Cyanoalkaline Electrolytes"
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 82 (2004) 118-122.
[2004.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Claudio Mele.
"A SERS investigation of the electrodeposition of Ag–Au alloys from free-cyanide solutions – part II"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570 (2004) 29-34.
[2004.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Claudio Mele.
"A SERS investigation of the electrodeposition of Ag–Au alloys from free-cyanide solutions"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 563 (2004) 133-143.
[2004.06] Francisco Huerta, Claudio Mele, Benedetto Bozzini, Emilia Morallón.
“Voltammetric and in situ FTIRS study on CN− and Au(CN)−x complexes at the polycrystalline gold surface in citrate medium.”
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 569 (2004) 53-60.
[2004.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Claudio Mele, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Bertrand Busson, Frank Vidal, Abderrahmane Tadjeddine.
“An SFG investigation of Au(111) and Au(210) electrodes in aqueous solutions containing KCN and cetylpyridinium chloride.”
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 574 (2004) 85-94.
[2004.07] Benedetto Bozzini Claudio Mele, Ivonne Sgura.
“On the observation of inductive high-frequency impedance behaviour during the electrodeposiotion of Au-Sn alloys.”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 34 (2004) 277-281.
[2004.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Claudio Mele, Stefano Natali.
“Electrodeposition of white gold alloys: an electrochemical, spectroelectrochemical and structural study of the electrodeposition of Au-Sn alloys in the presence of 4-cyanopyridine”
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 8 (2004) 147-158.
[2004.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Claudio Mele.
“Electrochemical oxidation of WC in acidic sulphate solution”
Corrosion Science 46 (2004) 453-469.
[2004.10] Valentin M. Kozlov, Benedetto Bozzini, Luisa Peraldo Bicelli.
“Preparation of InAs by annealing of two-layer In–As electrodeposits”
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 366 (2004) 152-160.
[2004.11] Silvia Maffi, Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Luisa Peraldo Bicelli.
“A photoelectrochemical and spectroscopic investigation of oxide layers on AISI 301 in sulfate solutions at different pH”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 34 (2004) 71-77.
[2003.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Claudio Mele.
“An in-situ FT-IR investigation of the anodic behaviour of WC-Co hardmetal.”
Materials and Corrosion 54 (2003) 694-696.
[2003.02] Ameriga Fanigliulo, Claudio Mele, Benedetto Bozzini.
“An Electrochemical and in-situ SERS Study of Au Electrodeposition from a Thiourea Solution.”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 81 (2003) 75-78.
[2003.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Marco Enrico Ricotti, Marco Boniardi, Claudio Mele.
“Evaluation of erosion–corrosion in multiphase flow via CFD and experimental analysis.”
Wear 255 (2003) 237-245.
[2003.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Claudio Mele.
“An Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Study of the Electrodeposition of Au from KAu(CN)2 Solutions containing 4-Cyanopyridine and cetylpyridinium Chloride”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 81 (2003) 59-67.
[2003.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Ameriga Fanigliulo and Claudio Mele.
"Anodic behaviour of WC-Co type hardmetal"
Materials and Corrosion 54 (2003) 295-303.
[2003.06] B. Bozzini, A. Fanigliulo, E. Lanzoni, C. Mele.
“Mechanical and tribological characterisation of electrodeposited Au-Cu-Cd”
Wear 255 (2003) 903-909.
[2003.07] Ameriga Fanigliulo, Benedetto Bozzini.
“Damage to gold surfaces induced by cathodic polarisation”
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 38 (2003) 228-234.
[2003.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali, Claudio Mele.
“Electrodeposition of Au–Sn alloys from acid Au(III) baths”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 33 (2003) 747-754.
[2003.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Carla Martini, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Francesco Bogani.
“A tribological study of electrodeposited gold-copper-cadmium”
Materials Chemistry and Physics 101 (2003) 42-47.
[2003.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Jean-Pierre Celis, Ameriga Fanigliulo.
“Anodic behaviour of amorphous NiP/tin multilayers in an acidic chloride solution”
Corrosion Science 45 (2003) 1161-1171.
[2002.01] Ameriga Fanigliulo, Benedetto Bozzini.
“An electrochemical and SERS study of benzyldimethylphenylammonium chloride at a polycrystalline gold electrode”
Electrochimica Acta 47 (2002) 4511-4521.
[2002.02] Ameriga Fanigliulo, Benedetto Bozzini.
“An electrochemical and in situ Raman investigation of the electrodeposition of gold from a sulphite electrolyte”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 80 (2002) 132-136.
[2002.03] Ameriga Fanigliulo, Benedetto Bozzini.
“In-situ SERS experiments during the electrodeposition of gold in the presence of benzyldimethylphenylammonium chloride”
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 530 (2002) 53-62.
[2002.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Crystallographic structure of gold films electrodeposited at low current densities”
Journal of Materials Science 37 (2002) 3903-3913.
[2002.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo.
“Effects of Tl on the electrocrystallisation of thick Au layers from KAu(CN)2 solutions”
Journal of Crystal Growth 243 (2002) 190-203.
[2002.06] Ameriga Fanigliulo, Benedetto Bozzini.
“Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Species Incorporated into Electrodeposited Gold Layers”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 80 (2002) 25-28.
[2002.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, Marco Serra, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Francesco Bogani.
“Corrosion behaviour of WC-Co based hardmetal in neutral chloride and acid sulphate media”
Materials and Corrosion 53 (2002) 328-334.
[2002.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Egidijus Griskonis, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Algirdas Sulcius.
“Electrodeposition of Zn–Mn alloys in the presence of thiocarbamide”
Surface & Coatings Technology 154 (2002) 294-303.
[2002.09] Silvia Maffi, Cristina Lenardi, Benedetto Bozzini, Luisa Peraldo Bicelli.
“Photoelectrochemical imaging of non-planar surfaces: the influence of geometrical and optical factors on image formation”
Measurement Science & Technology 13 (2002) 1398-1403.
[2002.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo.
“An in situ spectroelectrochemical Raman investigation of Au electrodeposition and electrodissolution in KAu(CN)2 solution”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 32 (2002) 1043-1048.
[2002.11] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali, Marco Serra, Ameriga Fanigliulo.
“Electrodeposition of Au-Sn alloys from alkaline baths”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 32 (2002) 165-171.
[2002.12] Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo.
“An electrochemical investigation into the galvanic corrosion of carbon steel coupled to carbon fibres”
Materials and Corrosion 53 (2002) 875-885.
[2002.13] Benedetto Bozzini, Cristina Lenardi, Marco Serra, Ameriga Fanigliulo.
“Electrochemical and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation into anodic behavior of electroless Ni-9.5 wt-%P in acidic chloride environment”
British Corrosion Journal 37 (2002) 173-181.
[2002.14] Benedetto Bozzini, Emanuela Cerri.
“Numerical reliability of hot working processing maps”
Materials Science and Engineering A 328 (2002) 344-347.
[2002.15] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Giuseppe Giovannelli.
“Electrokinetic behavior of gold alloy and composite plating baths”
Metal Finishing 100 (2002) 50-60.
[2002.16] Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Dario Picenoni.
“Observation of Pentagonal Crystallites in Electrodeposited Gold and Copper”
Prectical Metallography 49 (2002) 580-586.
[2001.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Marco Serra.
“Electrodeposition of star-shaped gold crystallites”
Journal of Crystal Growth 231 (2001) 589-598.
[2001.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Marco Boniardi, Ameriga Fanigliulo, Francesco Bogani.
“Tribological properties of electroless Ni-P/diamond composite films”
Materials Research Bulletin 36 (2001) 1889-1902.
[2001.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Giuseppe Parisi.
“Corrosion and erosion-corrosion of electrodeposited Ni-P/B4C composites”
British Corrosion Journal 36 (2001) 49-55.
[2001.04] Benedetto Bozzini.
“Electrochemical pore-filling of ceramics with metal fibres”
Journal of Materials Science Letters 20 (2001) 867-868.
[2001.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Egidijus Griskonis, Algirdas Sulcius, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Influence of selenium-containing additives on the electrodeposition of zinc-manganese alloys”
Plating and Surface Finishing 88 (2001) 64-72.
[2001.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Effecfs of cathodic hydrogen evolution on electrodeposited Au-Cu-Cd alloys”
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 148 (2001) C231-C235.
[2001.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Electrodeposition and characterization of Au–Cu–Cd alloys”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 31 (2001) 897-903.
[2001.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Morphology evolution of Au/B4C electrodeposited composites”
Practical Metallography 38 (2001) 88-111.
[2001.09] Benedetto Bozzini, Marco Boniardi.
“A model for the evaluation of indentation crack arrest fracture toughness of supported films”
Journal of Materials Science 36 (2001) 511-518.
[2001.10] Benedetto Bozzini, Marco Serra, Ameriga Fanigliulo.
“Electrochemical behaviour of baths for the codeposition of Au/B4C composites”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 79 (2001) 133-135.
[2000.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Hydrodynamic effects in the electrdeposition of Au-Cu-Cd alloys: an experimental ad numerical study”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 78 (2000) 227-230.
[2000.02] Benedetto Bozzini.
“Morphological Artefacts in EDX analyses of electrodeposited Zn-Mn films”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 78 (2000) 93-95.
[2000.03] B. Bozzini, V.E. Sidorov, A.S. Dovgopol, J.P. Birukov.
“Magnetic susceptibility of electroless Ni84P16 and Ni84P16–B4C”
International Journal of Inorganic Materials 2 (2000) 437-442.
[2000.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali.
“Metastable Structures in Electrodeposited AuCu”
Scripta Materialia 43 (2000) 877-880.
[2000.05] B. Bozzini, M.A. Baker, P.L. Cavallotti, E. Cerri, C. Lenardi.
“Electrodeposition of ZnTe for photovoltaic cells”
Thin Solid Films 361-362 (2000) 388-395.
[2000.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Cristina Lenardi, Nicola Lovergine.
“Electrodeposition of stoichiometric polycrystalline ZnTe on n+-GaAs and Ni–P”
Materials Chemistry and Physics 66 (2000) 219-228.
[2000.07] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“An investigation into the electrodeposition of AuCu-matrix particulate composites. Part II: Baths not containing free cyanide”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 30 (2000) 591-594.
[2000.08] Benedetto Bozzini, Bruno Brevaglieri, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Stefano Natali.
“Hydrodynamic problems related to the electrodeposition of AuCu/B4C composites”
Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 3431-3438.
[2000.09] Benedetto Bozzini.
“Mass transport effects on the texture formation of nickel electrodeposits”
Materials Chemistry and Physics
66 (2000) 278-285.
[2000.10] Benedetto Bozzini.
“A simple numerical procedure for the simulation of "life-like" linear sweep voltammograms”
Journal of Chemical Education 77 (2000) 100-103.
[1999.01] Benedetto Bozzini.
“Cathode growt stability of electrodeposited metal matrix particulate composites”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 77 (1999) 135-138.
[1999.02] B. Bozzini, C. Martini, P.L. Cavallotti, E. Lanzoni.
“Relationships among crystallographic structure, mechanical properties and tribological behaviour of electroless Ni-P(9%)/B4C films”
Wear 225-229 (1999) 225-229.
[1999.03] B. Bozzini, G. Giovannelli, S. Natali, B. Brevaglieri, P.L. Cavallotti, G. Signorelli.
“Hydrogen incorporation and embrittlement of electroformed Au, Cu and Au–Cu”
Engineering Failure Analysis 6 (1999) 83-92.
[1999.04] B. Bozzini, F. Pavan, V. Accardi, P.L. Cavallotti.
“Electrodeposition and plastic behaviour of low-Mn Zn-Mn alloys for automotive applications”
Metal Finishing 97 (1999) 33-42.
[1999.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“An investigation into the electrodeposition of Au–Cu-matrix particulate composites”
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 29 (1999) 685-692.
[1999.06] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Marco Boniardi, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Mechanical properties of ACD and ECD particulate metal matrix composite thin films”
Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 1579-1587.
[1999.07] M. Boniardi, B. Bozzini, G.C. Martinelli.
“An investigation into the fracture toughness of nitride layers by Vickers indentation”
Revue de metallurgie 96 (1999) 253-258.
[1998.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Federico Pavan, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Experience with a pilot plant for the electrodeposition of Zn-Mn on wire”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 76 (1998) 171-178.
[1998.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Nora Lecis, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Structure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni-P preoared by autocatalytic chemical deposition”
Journal de physique IV 8 (1998) 371-374.
[1997.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Marco Boniardi.
“Fracture toughness of supported Ni-P films prepared by autocatalytic chemical deposition”
Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 88 (1997) 493-497.
[1997.02] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Evidence of clustering in X-ray amorphous Ni-P prepared by autocatalytic chemical deposition”
Scripta Materialia 36 (1997) 1245-1248.
[1997.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Federico Pavan.
“Metastable intermetallics in the Zn-Mn system obtained by electrodeposition”
Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique 94 (1997) 1009-1013
[1997.04] Benedetto Bozzini, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“An investigation into microstructure and particle distribution of Ni-P/diamond composite thin films”
Journal of Microscopy 185 (1997) 283-291.
[1997.05] Benedetto Bozzini, Giulia Bollini, Federico Pavan, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Zn-Mn alloy electrodeposition on steel”
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 75 (1997) 175-180.
[1996.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Giuseppe Giovannelli, Bruno Brevaglieri, Stefano Natali.
“Quantitative metallography and image analysis of composite coatings obtained by autocatalytic chemical deposition”
Practical metallography 33 (1996) 130-145.
[1994.01] G. Zangari, B. Bozzini, P. L. Cavallotti, G. Fontana, P.G. Maisto, E. Terrenzio.
“Coercivity and microstructure of CoPt and CoPd thin films”
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 133 (1994) 511-515.
[1994.02] Pietro Luigi Cavallotti, Benedetto Bozzini, Luca Nobili, Giovanni Zangari.
“Alloy electrodeposition for electronic applications”
Electrochimica Acta 39 (1994) 1123-1131.
[1994.03] Benedetto Bozzini, Giovanni Zangari, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Hydrogen evolution in Co alloy thin films prepared by electrochemical and autocatalytoc deposition techniques”
Electrochimica Acta 39 (1994) 1787-1793.
[1993.01] Benedetto Bozzini, Davide De Vita, Alberto Sportoletti, Giovanni Zangari, Pietro Luigi Cavallotti.
“Electrodeposited CoPt thin films for magnetic hard disks”
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 120 (1993) 300-304.
[1992.01] P.L. Cavallotti, M. Alberti, B. Bozzini, A. Iudica, L. Nobili, P.M. Ossi.
“Statistical thermodynamics of ordering in ferromagnets”
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 104-107 (1992) 905-907.
[1992.02] P.L. Cavallotti, M. Alberti, B. Bozzini, A. Iudica, L. Nobili, P. Ossi
“Statistical thermodynamics of ordering systems: an improved quasi chemical approximation”
in “Ordering and Disordering of Alloys”, A.R. Yavari ed., Elsevier, London (GB) (1992), p. 229 238. ISBN 1851667628
[1992.03] P.L. Cavallotti, B. Bozzini, R. Cecchini, G.F. Bava, H.A. Davies, C. Hoggarth.
“Corrosion and protection of NdFeB-type magnets”
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 104-107 (1992) 1216-1218.
[1990.01] B. Bozzini, P.L. Cavallotti, M. Ivanov, L. Arras, S. Garbarino, E. Terrenzio, P. Visigalli.
“Microstructure and magnetic properties of ACD Co-P thin films for magnetic recording”
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 26 (1990) 45-47.
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